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Connect2 - Accident and Incident Reporting

Recreation reports all incident and accidents through Connect2.

Text/Email Alerts for serious accident/incidents: Program/Operation leaders should be set up to receive email and/or text alerts in the event of an accident or incident. If not, please set yourself up ASAP. Check out the video called “Creating Alerts for Accidents and Incidents.” If are having trouble with setting yourself up for alerts, ask Bobby Jaffe.

Be sure to follow the following process after an accident or incident is reported for your area.

  1. Do not contact the injured patron: As directed by UCSD Risk Management, to reduce liability and potential claims, as a standard practice, we will not be reaching out/following up directly with patrons that have accidents in our facilities/programs. On an individual accident basis, if there is interest in varying from that procedure or if an injured individual initiates contact with you, be sure to reach out to Tom before taking action.

    • Injured Rec employee: When the injured person is a Rec employee, workers comp procedures should be followed and the supervisor, Rec HR Manager and potentially Rec Risk Manager will likely follow up with the individual.

  2. Post-Accident/Incident Process in Connect2

    • Employee from a team submits incident/accident report into Connect2 that happens on their watch ASAP.

    • The report goes to the connect2 admin dashboard. Depending on how serious the accident/incident is and how it is reported, a text/email alert may go out those who have signed up for alerts. To ensure that you are seeing reports that happened in your area, someone from your team should be checking the dashboard weekly to look for non-alerted accident/incidents.

    • A prostaff from the reporting team logs into connect2 and reviews the report and takes these simple steps

      1. Answer question: Follow-up call/email made? Generally this is going to be No or NA unless it is an accident involving a Rec employee

      2. Answer question: Worker’s Comp Procedures Followed? Hopefully this is Yes or NA.

      3. Additional information-important step

        • If no additional action or documentation required, initial so that I know it has been read by you (example: TWR read)

        • Add documentation if needed (example: cleared pool and super-chlorinated for 40 minutes on 12/1/19)

        • If planned action, coaching, procedure changes or other pertinent information, add comments (example: met with employee on 12/13/18 and will review blood cleanup procedures at staff meeting on 1/1/19)

      4. Change Report Status - from the perspective of the Rec Area

        1. Follow-Up - default status

        2. In Progress - action to be taken but not yet complete

        3. Complete - from the perspective of the Rec Area, this accident or incident is complete. Department Risk Manager can review and send to reports.

      5. Click “Save and Return to Dashboard”. If you get the error “We're sorry. You do not have permission to access this area. Please see your system administrator.” let me know and I’ll adjust your settings. Do not click “Save and Send to Reports”, that is a special button reserved for the Department Risk Manager.

  1. Coach your employee through any issues/errors found in how they completed the report. Here are some common issues

      1. Alert text is non-specific (i.e. Meet the Beach) or is actually the entire description/too long (i.e.lunatic jumped off the pier at meet the beach, landing on a low flying hot air balloon, popping the balloon, but miraculously landing on a Scripps research vessel…). A good example might be, “Disruptive student at Meet the Beach threatening to harm himself”

      2. Choosing wrong activity. Example, should have chosen Reservation/Event/Rental but chose Sports Clubs.

      3. Chose Other or Other specify in a dropdown, but didn’t add the information into notes.

      4. Chose General Injury when it was actually a Body Part Injured

      5. Mentioned blood in the description but then chose No when asked “Was blood or bodily fluid present?”

      6. EMS called, but no case report or information noted in the connect2 report.

      7. Subjective language or lacking important details, “Tom was shirking his duties and wasn’t paying attention while a patron did a cannonball off the high board and popped the swan” Change to “Patron did a cannonball off the high board and popped the swan, no injuries”

  2. Follow UP The department risk manager or others may follow up with you with questions, recommendations, or coaching. Serious accidents/incidents will be shared with our EH&S/Risk Management partners.